The Venetian Pantry
Spilling Tea
EP 4: Storytelling through Scent with Steph Suen (Homework)

EP 4: Storytelling through Scent with Steph Suen (Homework)

When it comes to scent-making, Steph is one of the best Noses in business. We talk about her business, her background in TCM and the uncanny correlations between our two cultures.

This week, I am delighted to bring you Steph Hannington-Suen, who is a dear friend and 50% of the London-based scent brand Homework, which she founded and runs together with her husband, Ross.

Now, when it comes to perfumes, I'm quite sensitive and picky. I'm the type of person who hates walking through the duty-free area of an airport. But there is a unique quality to homework scents. And I can't quite put my finger on it, but they're just so good.

Homework’s headquarter in the Design District, in Greenwich. Steph and Ross created that bench and table themselves.

When it comes to scent-making, I truly think Steph is one of the most talented noses in London, if not the whole country.

I've been a hardcore fan of homework since pretty much the beginning, back when they had a stall in a tool market. I am such a groupie, in fact, that I have one of their scented candles in almost every room of the house, to the extent that a lot of my guests have commented how they have come to associate my house with their scents.

Steph and I talk about her background as the daughter of a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner; how those principles have influenced this new iteration of the brand, which is the fifth, as she will explain herself; how sometimes the best thing you can do for your business is to just start again; how she views scent making as a very logical storytelling process; the challenges of becoming a mother (especially when both you and your partner are involved in the same business) as well as some practical tips for budding entrepreneurs.

To Steph, creating a scent is a very logical process that starts with a Brief which is centred around storytelling – be it a memory, a place or a ritual.

Steph and I also share a similar background in the sense that we're both graphic designers. We also somehow end up talking about the uncanny similarities between the Chinese and Italian cultures – especially when it comes to health beliefs – and I think you can hear what a field day we had on that topic.

I had so much fun with Steph. She's just such a warm and bright person to be around, and I hope that transpires through this conversation.


We mention in the podcast…

Steph’s current favourite scent
Metal Candle

Steph mother’s Ginger Tea Recipe
Find it here

Homework’s Quiz
To find out which one of the five traditional Chinese medicine you are (I’m water!)

Take the Quiz

And don’t forget to let me know the result!


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PS. Find the recipe for my summer Peach Gazpacho here:

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The Venetian Pantry
Spilling Tea
Welcome to Spilling Tea, the podcast where I invite people I admire to come over for lunch. Each week, I open the doors to my home (and pantry) to a different guest: we chat about career and personal highs and lows, the path to entrepreneurship, their dreams and aspirations for the future and the wisdom they gained along the way. All accompanied by some homemade food and a good cup of tea. Tune in every Monday for a new episode.