Sep 12Liked by The Venetian Pantry

So pretty Martina! Actually in Spain people also experiment with different ingredients in gazpacho. I have seen it done with watermelon and with strawberries. I don't personally like it, but I'd gladly try yours if I did!

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Ah that’s reassuring to hear Elisabet, I always feel people can get protective over traditional recipes, and understandably so sometimes!

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Sep 12Liked by The Venetian Pantry

I just can’t get my head around the concept of cold soup; I think it feels so alien to the average Brit! It looks delicious and the recipe is fab but I just can’t; I think it’s the cold combined with the consistency. There’s also the fact that it’s so cold in the UK, Martina, that the thought is actually making me shiver! I hope you’re having a lovely time; my sister in law is from Seville so I shall send her your recipe.

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Ah I feared it was already too late for a cold soup! It's lovely and refreshing in summer, but I can see how it's not that appealing when you are already battling the cold outside. Although you could skip the refrigeration part and eat it at room temperature I suppose!

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Sep 12Liked by The Venetian Pantry

Mmm! Make the most of that vitamin D, Martina although if you’re not back before the weekend I think it’s supposed to get warmer. I’m absolutely frozen!

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I lived on gazpacho during June & July in Spain and this looks lovely with the added nectarines - especially as it’s still warm now I’m back in London.

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