Jul 25Liked by The Venetian Pantry

Ciao Martina! Mi è piaciuto un sacco questo post😍❤️

Mi ha ricordato molto quello che mia mamma e mia nonna mi dicevano quando ero piccolina (tipo i punti del colpo d'aria e dei capelli bagnati)😂

Chiedo scusa per il commento in italiano, ma e la prima volta che vedo un altra italiana (anche se "inglese di adozione") su Substack😆

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Assolutamente non scusarti Francesca! Mi fa tanto piacere sentire che ti sia piaciuto l’articolo e che ti ci sia rivista. Mio marito se la ride sempre quando i miei dicono “c’è aria” 😅

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Jul 25Liked by The Venetian Pantry

My Italian teacher was so horrified by my wet hair 😂😂 it’s summer and 95 degrees !!! It will dry in 10 mins im not breakout out the hair dryer !!!

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hahah I can picture your teacher's face Bella 😂 I'd say it is acceptable in summer (just barely), but in winter it's considered pure maddness!

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Jul 25Liked by The Venetian Pantry

This was wonderful to read!!

I moved to France a year and a half ago from the US and I am still absolutely baffled by everyone's fear of AC or not being bundled up enough outside! I grew up in an extremely hot desert, plus, my body naturally runs warmer than others, so I am often ill-prepared for literally any weather condition. But! It has never made me sick! 😂

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That's fascinating Kelsey! I always thought it was people who grew up in cold climates (like my husband and friend Geertje) to be immune to the cold and AC! Perhaps it works on both extremes?

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Jul 28Liked by The Venetian Pantry

This made me chuckle - having lived now in Italy for four years I’ve come across pretty much all of them! And the fear of cold drinks…just this morning I was in the local vivai and literally melting in the heat - the lovely owner saw I was struggling and offered me a coffee! When I said I’d prefer some cold water she literally shuddered 😂😂😂

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I'm glad you enjoyed the article! Trust Italians to think everything can be cured with coffee 😅

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Jul 27Liked by The Venetian Pantry

Squaraus made me actually loudly laugh out loud, such a fun article! As a Brit married to a Spaniard, I've also learnt to repect the two hour window and that my husband also doesn't like too much air conditioning. A favorite of mine is that Spanish mothers will also tell you to drink your orange juice immediately so the vitamins don't disappear.

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haha I love that!!! it sounds like something we would have too...

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Jul 26Liked by The Venetian Pantry

Never knew canadians and italians had so much in common! (Swimming was 1 hr after eating)

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I think that one makes sense!

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The colpo d’aria is a funny one - when I try to explain to Italian relatives and friends that the concept doesn’t exist in England, they look at me in utter disbelief, which then turns into horror. ‘But then what do you call it?’ ‘Nothing, it doesn’t exist’ …. Cue more horrified gasps ../

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I don't think we are ready to face the fact it is not a scentific reality Jo..😂

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Jul 25Liked by The Venetian Pantry

As an Italophile... I am OBSESSED with this. Makes me remember just how superstitious my Italian grandparents were! Truly such a fun read.

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Thank you so much Laura Jean! I had so much fun writing this piece, I’m glad you found it fun too. Where were your nonni from?

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Reggio Calabria! I’ve been lucky enough to visit it myself since their passing. Truly a special experience!

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Beautiful! I have never been but would love to one day!

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The no horsing after you eat must be global. My mother was very superstitious. Don’t walk under a ladder, don’t pop a blister before the sun goes down, don’t open an umbrella in the house, don’t rock a rocking chair with no one in it. Ridiculous stuff.

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I find superstitions quite fun and fascinating (the blister one sounds particularly funny)! Although I think with the things I described in this article, it's not as much about superstition as it is about things Italian believe to have some sort of medical value. We are obsessed with our health and, possibly as a result, very delicate! I could write a whole other article on Italian superstitions (there is one about never leaving a hat on a bed), it would be interesting to learn where they all came from...

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I am obsessed with this list!! Especially the hair growth one... as someone who desperately wishes for longer, thicker hair I’m going to follow that one from now on 😂

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haha let me know if you notice anything different Bella!

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Jul 27Liked by The Venetian Pantry

The amount of dirty looks my friends would get when they walked out of our Roman apartment with wet hair 😅😂

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#askingfortrouble 😂

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i have a dream of moving to France, i love the authenticity and the culture behind it.. the quirky traits, traditions, and superstitions that are followed by Italians are so detailed and unique, i have no idea about the preference to ice drinks, and how they prefer their drinks temperature than anything, and i don’t know how they do it 😭 i need my drinks iced at the time, haha! this was a read to remember, please make this into a series, a podcast, or even a YouTube about your 🇫🇷 journeys !! 💌

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Ah thank you Nikki! that's so encouraging. I might read these articles outloud and add the recording, that might be fun?

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A lot of fun. I would read, listen or watch! 🫶🏾

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Jul 27Liked by The Venetian Pantry

That was a brilliant read, Martina. I think some of them do exist here but perhaps not to the extreme they seem to do in Italy. It’s common sense not to go swimming (or any other sport) after a big meal but a stroll will do you the power of good if you’ve overdone it. Bland food after a tummy upset; ditto. What is it about mothers and wet hair? It doesn’t matter how many times you talk about viruses, they’re still horrified by the very idea. I’m not sure but I think hot drinks are taken in hot countries? It makes sense to me as you don’t want to stop your body perspiring when you’re too hot. Maybe?

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I think many of them have a kernel of truth or common sense in them, as you rightly point our Moira! The wet hair – I have no idea how it works but I would 100% get ill if I did that in winter. And even in summer I often get a stiff neck if I am not careful with it! Call it psycological conditioning, but it's so engrained in me I'm afraid it'll never leave me!

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Jul 26Liked by The Venetian Pantry

This is brilliant. So entertaining. I actually like the sound of canarino too!!

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Thank you so much Becky! You should give it a go next time you have nausea!

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I love these!!

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Thank you Nicole!

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Jul 25Liked by The Venetian Pantry

Love these posts! So fun 👏🏼

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Thank you so much Lauren! I had fun writing them!

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